Monday, 12 November 2007

In Denmark, Some men are more equal than others

Imagine living in a country that takes huge taxes from you, including a huge cut of your worldwide income.

Imagine that this country prides itself on the alleged principles of fairness and equality.

Imagine then that a chance for the people to decide who runs the country you live in comes around. At last, a chance to make a small difference by voting on the person/party you feel is most likely to improve the lot of the country you live in.

Imagine then that you get told to f**k off since no-one cares what you have to say and you don't even get the chance to vote.

Sounds unlikely? Well, when my Danish partner and I lived in the UK, we could both vote no problem, but move to Denmark and it turns out that foreigners are NOT allowed to vote in the general election.

I can see why, since foreigners aren't brainwashed into Danish socialism from an early age and can see right through it, so imagine the dangers of them enforcing some change for the better, eh?

Funny too that my partner, once she'd lived outside Denmark more than 2 years lost the right to vote in Danish elections. Denmark obviously realises that any Dane living abroad for more than 2 years will be de-indoctrinated in socialist thinking and thus vote sensibly with clear-headed thinking.

Some men are indeed more equal than others, and Stalin would be proud.

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