Saturday, 17 May 2008

Oil Prices going up...oh what a shame, honest...

Funny, the news this week that the biggest profiteer of high petrol prices in the Uk happens to be HM Government, who've successfully raked in over half a billion pounds extra as a result of the increased price in the last 6 months. Certainly puts Golden Brown's comments about wanting to "help" the UK consumer into perspective, doesn't it?

Actually, the best help he could give us would be to go away and stop interfering in our lives with his pathetic stealth taxes, ever increasing government indebtedness and selling off the nations the gold.

By the way, the issue of whether oil prices are really going up, or whether in fact the value of the pound is going down, is a subject better covered in How to Invest in Gold and Silver.

If you fancy investing in Oil for tax-free profits, without having to stash a load of barrels of stuff in the garden shed, check out Successful Tax-Free ISA Investing.

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